Science &
   the Supernatural

Table of Contents

Link to Dream
Topics Involved
Date of Dream
End Times. Going higher & deeper with God to withstand what may soon come upon the earth.
Recurring throughout my life
Enemy Infiltration of our Government,
Church of Laodicea
2013, Jun 22
Spiritual Death within the Church
2013, Oct 6
People hurt by churches and the spirit of legalism
2015, May 31
Priesthood of all believers, consecration & power. Does the prohibition against mixing wool & linen apply to Christians?
2015, Sep 13
God foretelling future events, proof of communication from a higher power, "how do I know my dreams are from You?"
2016, Apr 22
Receiving guidance from God on which path to take
2016, Dec 24
End Times, Spiritual Warfare
2017, Dec 31
End Times, Wormwood, Book of Revelation
2018, Jan 7

Tsunami Dreams

       Throughout my life I've had recurring dreams of a giant tsunami wave reaching shore. Each time I try my best to run away from it. Either I climb up a cliff, or run up a hill, in search of higher ground. I've never been caught by it yet. Later in life, I was surprised to hear that many others have had the same reocurring dream.

       In 2019, I finally heard an interpretation that resonates with my spirit. There's a story about an ancient tribal group whose members all completely survived a tsunami in modern times, while all the more modern cultures surrounding them suffered great losses from it. The ancient tribe had passed this survival knowledge down from generation to generation. When you see the water receding rapidly, you must either paddle out to deeper waters where you will only experience it as a small wave. Or, you must go up to high ground on land where the wave won't reach you.
       My interpretation: Something big & catastrophic is approaching. The only way to survive is either to paddle out into deep waters (go deeper with God), or climb up higher on land (going higher with God). Can you feel it coming? Can you see the signs?

June 22, 2013

       There were a few hundred of us away at a church conference. The people attending came from at least a few different churches, including [our former church]. The location being used looked like a school.
       A row of tables was set up on the blacktop of the school's playground, with open boxes of pizza placed on them.  Painted on the ground were the typical white stencils to form hopscotch squares, and other playground games. A chain-link fence outlined the blacktop's perimeter in the background. People formed a line to move down the tables to get the pizza for lunch, but they were only allowed to take one slice per person. Strolling around the blacktop were police officers. When people made mistakes, like taking more than one slice of pizza, the police officers arrested them. I saw a young man walk onto the black top from the outside, probably just to pass through. But since he wasn't part of the conference, the police officers arrested him, too. Any slight provocation could get you arrested. I took my one slice of pizza and exited the line. No one bothered me because I hadn't broken any rules yet.
       I walked towards a group of acquaintances who were hanging out in front of a classroom, talking. I joined them. Then, three of us decided to enter the classroom. Inside, there were long tables set up. A middle-aged white man sat at one of the tables, preparing his papers for a meeting that was coming up soon. One of his presentation papers was projected onto the wall, so I read some of it. This provided me enough information to realize that this man was behind a plot in the government to take away our rights. He was currently behind a proposition that looked good on the surface, but in obscure writing, took away our ability to see what the government was up to. The plan was to erode our rights so slowly that we wouldn't even notice until it was too late.

       He shot me an evil look. Then he pulled out a little hand-held metal device with a red light on it. He used the device to project about a dozen lines of text onto the wall, and told us to read it. I read the first line, which said "Bon Provecho", or something similar. Suddenly, I felt a stab of warning enter my mind that spoke of danger. I knew immediately that I had to look away because some unseen being was warning me to not look. I averted my eyes in time, but my companions kept reading. I felt a sense of dread go through me.

       My companions finished reading the text and became mind-control slaves (mentally blinded?) There was no way they could warn anyone about what had happened. The three of us exited the room and went back outside. There, people were hanging about, lightly engaged in conversation. When I looked in their eyes, I noticed that some of them were also mind control slaves like my companions. I could see that the mind control was slowly wearing off over time, so that the unseen people controlling us would have to reapply it from time to time. Then I approached a girl whose control was starting to wear off. I told her about my experience in the classroom, and recited the first line of text that was projected on the wall. This caused her to suddenly get her memory back and snap free from the control. We started discussing how to free the others, and then the dream ended.


       The school environment represents the theme of learning, or control of the educational system. The pizza symbolizes tasty but low-quality food (what we're being taught). The church people on the blacktop were strictly being kept on this diet, only one slice allowed, to distract them from what was going on inside the classroom. Many people did not ask questions, even though it left them hungry, weak, unaware, and ineffective. Most didn't know or couldn't remember what it was like to be full.

       "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil." (ESV, Heb 5:12-14)

"...Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep.'" (WEB, John 21:17)

       New Christians need milk to be nurtured, but pizza cannot serve this purpose. Mature Christians need a good-sized portion of something healthy and filling to keep them energized. Though a constant diet of cheap greasy pizza looks fun at first, it will eventually cause health issues. This reminds me of self-help sermons that try to attract people by appealing to the senses (loud music, flashing lights, clever jokes, and free donuts) but are low on substance. It's ok to have pizza or dessert sometimes (flashy things & self-help), but it shouldn't come at the expense of having healthy meals.

       This dream reminds me of my former church. At my former church, when people ask questions or bring up concerns to my former pastor, they are made to feel like they're the bad guys. If people ask for help in getting fed, they are accused of being "consumeristic". When they ask for a Bible study, or if their small groups can study the Bible, they are denied persmission. When they ask if they can help start a discipleship ministry, the pastor says that we don't need dicipleship. If they make suggestions for adding Bible passages to sermons, the pastor becomes offended and angry. Is it any wonder that people don't learn their spiritual gifts? I believe the one pizza slice in the dream represents that we are rigidly only allowed to follow one particular study plan, which actually, in my opinion, divorces the presented topic from Biblical context.

       The many churches attending the conference in my dream represents that many other churches have the same issue. The consequences affect the whole country, as can be seen by what takes place inside the classrooom. We see how the enemy works behind the scenes in our government on a nation-wide scale to remove our rights. Sadly, we Christians aren't in a position to do anything about this, because we are being kept in line, stuck on the low-quality food, sedated, lulled to sleep, unaware of what's going on. We think that pizza is all we need because that's what we are told, and we don't know what we're missing. When I speak of the "enemy", I speak of spiritual (not human) forces.

       "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (NIV, Ephes 6:12)

       We are far more exposed to what the worldy institutions teach us than what God teaches us. Most of us are not taught how to hear God's voice, the gift of prophecy. So we are quite vulnerable to the enemy's mind control. We watch helplessly as our society crumbles. The neglect of the supernatural in our churches goes unnoticed, or sometimes the supernatural is even actively opposed by some voices in leadership. Jesus, open our eyes! I'm grateful to the few churches who do actively pursue God's voice and teach the spiritual gifts.

       "And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: 'The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation. "'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." (ESV, Rev 3:14-16)

Oct 6, 2013
       While I was half-asleep and half-awake, I saw a bundle of vine branches hanging down from up above, right in front of me. They felt so real, more real than what I see with my eyes because I could "sense" into them. I had some sort of extra sense that went beyond vision and I could "feel" or "know" inside of the branches. The realness of it surprised me, making me feel a sense of awe and wonder.

       In the bundle there were somewhere between 10 to 20 of the branches entwined with each other. My eyes folowed them as they came down, made a right angle, and continued off to my right. I think they ended up at a church that we formerly attended, though I'm not completely sure. They were a reddish-brown color and had no living leaves, looking mostly dead.

       Then, I saw light from up above try to push its way down into each of the various branches. But it couldn't get very far. On each attempt, the light quickly grew dim and died out. This happened every other second on a few different branches. None of them were alive enough to allow the light to pass through. Then I woke up. As my eyes opened, the image still lingered for 5 - 10 more seconds in front of me, against the backdrop of my bedroom, before fading away. It felt like I was seeing a ghost. I felt a rush of adrenaline, because I hadn't experienced a vision with my physical eyes before.
This dream reminds me of John 15:

       "Remain in me, and I in you. As the branch can't bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you, unless you remain in me. I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. (WEB John 15:4-5)

       Unfortunately, I believe that my former church used teachings that unintentionally kept the body lukewarm. They presented a series of light, self-help sermons that unintentionlly taught self-reliance instead of discipling us in the supernatural spiritual gifts. I never knew from attending this church that we could learn how to hear God's voice for ourselves. The pizza dream above is another picture to decribe this. I love the people of this former church! They are kind people who try their best. I wish that the leadership would be willing to work with those who voice their concerns, to come up with a better plan on how to feed the sheep. We still pray for this church.

May 31, 2015

       I was in a wilderness park with trees and a cave. A mysterious person was hiding out in the cave, and I didn't know anything about him. I asked if he needed help. He yelled back but I couldn't understand the response. I asked, "would you like me to call the park ranger?" He said no, the ranger had given him trouble. I wondered if he was homeless. He sounded sad and without hope. Then I walked back to where my family was and mentioned the incident to my dad. The dream ended.

       Some people have been deeply hurt by the Spirit of Legalism that is found in some churches. The homeless man represents those without church homes. They are hiding out because the park ranger (pastor, church leadership) has given them trouble. The pastor means well, but doesn't know how his legalism is coming across as judgmentalism, inflicting pain on those who have tender hearts. So the man in the cave is too afraid to find a church home for fear of being hurt again. Sometime after this dream occurred, I met someone in real life who was hurt by church and displayed this same sadness.

Sep 13, 2015

       While in my dream, I was conversing with Jesus. As He stood in front of me, I could see his body, but His face was blurred out. He was wearing a white robe. I asked Him a question. "Could you please explain to me the Old Testament law against wearing mixed fibers? Why do we not need to worry about that any more? How did you fulfill this law?" I was thinking of the commandment in Deut 22:11, "Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together." He answered me: because we're all priests, now. Then I woke up, and puzzled over what the answer meant.

Clue #1: Consecration

       Then, in real life, the answer clicked for me about a week later. Two clues were revealed to me. I was reading Jordan Seng's "Miracle Work" book. He invented a "power equation" to explain where the power comes from to perform miracles:

Power = Authority + Gifting + Faith + Consecration

       The variable I hadn't understood before was consecration. It refers to setting something apart for God's use. "The power of heaven flows best through places that the kingdom of heaven has already conquered thoroughly—places in which heaven has gained unimpeded right of way" (Jordan Seng). The word "holy" means set apart. In the Old Testament, items to be used in temple activities were consecrated. Priests were consecrated. The commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy was a consecration of a particular day. This is to open up channels for God's power to flow through.
Clue #2: The Purpose of Mixed Wool & Linen

       The other clue came to me when I saw that Christians were being accused of cherry-picking or not following the Bible consistently. They were told, "you better not be wearing mixed fibers!", implying hypocrisy on the part of Christians. Good question, though. I was curious about this myself, so I did some research.

       You shall not wear cloth of wool and linen mixed together. (ESV, Deut 22:11)

However, in the following verse, they are mixed:

       They are to make the ephod of blue, purple, and red wool, gold thread, and fine linen, decorated
with embroidery.(GNT, Exodus 28:6)

Here's an explanation found at
       "Some theologians believe they have found the answer in the Bible where we are told that the high priest wore a garment of mixed wool and linen (Ex. 28:6-8, 39:4-5). It is believed that precisely because this was the garment of the high priest it was forbidden for the average person to wear. Clothing of mixed wool and linen was exclusively for the high priest; it was considered a consecrated kind of clothing. For the average person on the street to wear it would be akin to a modern person walking around in a clerical collar or Mass vestments."

       As priests, we can consecrate our bodies (make them conductive to God's power) by keeping them physically and spiritually healthy, avoiding sin, and producing the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). Faith is a real substance, and a real power. When we have faith, our bodies become available vessels for God's power to flow through and work miracles. We can be used for supernatural healing. This is why the miracles of Jesus were so powerful: He kept His body consecrated.

       Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV, Heb 11:1)

Apr 22, 2016

       One night, while praying before bed, I had a question for God. I asked Him: "How do I know that my dream [a particular dream from before] was a message that actually came from you, or if it was just a random product of my sleeping brain?" I was new to dream interpretation, and was hoping for evidence that prophetic dreams are real.

       When finished with asking my question, I fell asleep and had a new dream. In my new dream, I was hovering over the landscape of Texas, from the viewpoint of outer space. Then I saw a laser beam come from outerspace and carve out a small section of Texas land sitting along the Gulf Coast. Suddenly, a huge, massive amount of water was poured out (dumped) onto the section that was just carved out. I saw heavy rain and heavy storms. I could see the section was flooded.
       Then in my dream, my vantage point changed. Suddenly I found myself down in the city, floating along in the flood waters. I was surrounded by large office buildings that were many stories high. The flood water completely covered the first story, so I was floating along at the second-story level. I grabbed a floating plank of wood and climbed on. My mind started strategizing about getting into the second story of an office building to seek out food and supplies. The dream ended.

       After waking up, I recorded the dream. About a week or two later, Houston got flooded in real life. I felt astonishment. Where in Texas is Houston? Since I knew basically nothing about Texas geography, I pulled up a map and looked to see where Houston is located. To my shock, I found it along the Gulf Coast, exactly in the same section of land that was carved out in my dream. Another accurate detail was the height of the water. Just like in my dream, the real-life flood completely submerged single-story homes. Thousands of buildings were flooded. I was amazed and grateful to have evidence of God's existence. Not only that, but we can also have conversations with Him, ask Him questions, and sometimes receive answers. There is an intelligent power outside of me.

Dec 24, 2016

       One time I asked God for advice on which path to take. We had been attending a friend's small group Bible study that was held in his home once a week. This friend felt called to do open-air preaching with apologetics on a college campus, and he invited us to join him. But for myself, I felt called to learn supernatural healing and prophecy. So I asked God whether I should help my friend with his ministry, or to pursue my own ministry. That night, I had a dream.

       In my dream, I was lawn mowing the grass in a backyard. It was surrounded by a white picket fence with a gate. For some reason, I decided to leave my yard through the gate, taking the mower with me. Passing through the gate into the new field, I started mowing the new field. Then, I heard a cheery voice say, "You don't need to worry about this grass! It's already being taken care of. You may go back and take care of your own yard." So I went back to my own yard. The dream ended.
       The next morning, I woke up. It was the day of my friend's weekly Bible Study. So that evening, my family and I arrived at his family's home. Upon arriving, he and his wife told us how they had just finished tearing out all the old grass in their backyard to replace it with fake grass for the kids to play on. My mind felt startled in a good way. I had just dreamed about grass! The perfect timing of everything tells me that God answered my question concerning which ministry to support. And it makes sense, since it is God who puts the desires on our hearts.

       Also delight yourself in Yahweh, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
(WEB, Psalm 37:4)

Dec 31, 2017

       While asleep on New Year's Eve 2017 or New Year's morning 2018, I had a dream. I was riding in train with other passengers. The train was coming around a bend, and was very close to pulling into the station. The glass windows were continuous, only separated from each other by thin metal frames, allowing us to see 360 degrees around us in all directions. The exterior of the train was a bright red.

       There was warfare going on outside. I didn't see the enemy, but I saw the enemy's attacks. I saw the dirt fly up when the bullets struck the ground. I also saw the fiery explosions go off from the hand grenades. One of these explosions went off directly next to our train, hitting the outside of it, but the train was so heavily armored that no damage was done either to us or to the train. We were only rocked by the explosion. We felt a deep sense of awe at how well the train was protecting us. I felt bad for the civilians who were outside the train, caught off guard. I saw a few lying on the ground but I couldn't tell if they were wounded or dead.

       Then I saw another army, and an airforce. These fighters were on our side, occupying both the land and the air. I felt from them an extremely high urgency to protect the train and to make sure it arrived at the station safely. I wondered in awe what could be on the train that was so important, having a vague feeling that the train contained a powerful weapon. We were grateful to be so protected.

       When I woke up I wondered if we, the passengers, were what was so important. Perhaps the dream is saying that we, the Bride of Christ, are the weapon that God is going to use to bring in the great harvest. To set the captives free. Amazing! Thank you, Jesus! Also, I wonder if the airforce protecting us in the dream was angelic. I asked God, "is this dream related to the events in Revelation?" Seven days later, I received another dream (see "Wormwood" below).

Jan 7, 2018

       This dream occurred on the night of Jan 7th through Jan 8th, 2018, which is one week after the Red Train dream. It felt like an answer to my question of whether or not the Red Train dream is related to the events in Revelation.

       Dream: My friend Cordelia and I were watching the sky from my parent's house. There was weird fog that created darkness. I had trouble telling what time of day it was. We watched the sun set but this was confusing because my watch said it was only noon time. After the sun set, a large circular object rose in the sky next to where the sun had just set. On this large circular object, I saw the continents of North and South America. What is going on? Are we not on earth anymore? Yes, we are on earth. The large circular object is not earth itself, just showing us a reflection of earth because of how smooth and shiny it is.

       I heard myself repeat, "is it Wormwood?" "Is it Wormwood?" "Is it Wormwood?" Three times.
       Then, a large piece of space rock (asteroid or piece of asteroid?) flew overhead and I knew it crash landed somewhere in California, though far away from us. It created a massive crater in the ground and set the surrounding trees on fire. We realized that California was on fire again. We remarked about how the Thomas fire and Skirball fire had finally been put out, but now we have fire again.

       I tried using my sister's computer to find news online about it, but her computer was set up so differently I didn't know how to use it. For some reason, Kate had the amazing ability to jump out the second story window and land on the ground unharmed. Cordelia and Kate were getting their cameras ready (to take pictures of the destruction?). Then we'd be ready to go jump out the window.

       The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from the sky, burning like a torch, and it fell on one third of the rivers, and on the springs of the waters. The name of the star is called “Wormwood.” One third of the waters became wormwood. Many people died from the waters, because they were made bitter. (WEB, Revelation 8:10-11)

       "Wormwood" appears to be an asteroid. I'm not sure about the shiny sphere, though. Is it somehow related to the legendary Nibiru, or to the great red dragon in Revelation 12:3? I don't know exactly how the book of Revelation will pan out.

Update: I found a Sid Roth interview of Tom Horn (Mar 8 2020), who experienced a similar dream of wormwood:
"The WORMWOOD Prophecy: 2029 Asteroid Striking Earth? | Tom Horn"

Four Stages of an Asteroid Strike match the first 4 Trumpets in Revelation 8:6-12. In the Sid Roth video, this is discussed between time markers [14:40] to [16:06]. Verses below are taken from World English Bible (WEB).

  • Trumpet 1:
    "The first sounded, and there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. One third of the earth was burned up, and one third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up".
           = This describes the first debris being pushed out ahead of the coming asteroid.

  • Trumpet 2:
    "The second angel sounded, and something like a great burning mountain was thrown into the sea. One third of the sea became blood, and one third of the living creatures which were in the sea died. One third of the ships were destroyed".
           = The breaking up of a giant asteroid like Apophis.

  • Trumpet 3:
    "The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from the sky, burning like a torch, and it fell on one third of the rivers, and on the springs of the waters. 11 The name of the star is called “Wormwood.” One third of the waters became wormwood. Many people died from the waters, because they were made bitter."
           = This is the asteroid itself, named "wormwood". Apophis, scheduled to reach earth in 2029, could be wormwood.

  • Trumpet 4:
    "The fourth angel sounded, and one third of the sun was struck, and one third of the moon, and one third of the stars; so that one third of them would be darkened, and the day wouldn’t shine for one third of it, and the night in the same way."
           = The debris from impact rises up into the jetsream, gets spread around the earth, and blocks out the sun and moon.

Perhaps in my dream, I was witnessing either the first or second trumpet?