Science &
   the Supernatural

       Welcome! I'm a passionate follower of Jesus, wife, mother, and Electrical Engineer. It's a joy for me to explore how the spiritual, physical, and quantum mechanical realms interact with each other, especially when it comes to supernatural gifts like prophecy and healing.

       How fun it is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality! Some people imagine that a miracle is the breaking of a scientific law, and so should be deemed as pure fantasy, while others think that miracle-working was only for Biblical times, and only for the specially chosen elite. But I believe that miracles do follow God's natural laws, and that we are all subject to the same universal laws, such as being subject to the Law of Gravity. Miracles are available for everyone (of course, if we seek miracles, then we should allow our conduct and motives to be governed by God's love & wisdom). We often make errors in science, and we often make errors in theology. But my belief is that when science and the supernatural are both properly understood, then there exists no conflict between them.
       Since both the Material and Supernatural worlds are intertwined with each other, it may be difficult sometimes to distinguish between the two. In fact, some people who "See in the Spirit" insist strongly that these two concepts are actually the "same thing". But for those of us who cannot See in the Spirit nearly as well, a distinction exists that was created by our current lack of ability. So, I will distinguish between the two. For my purposes here, "Supernatural" pertains to those things which require the use of our pineal gland to perceive. Each of us has the potential to grow and develop this ability over time.

My work-in-progress Definitions:
  • "Seer" - a person who can See in the Spirit. Examples include Jeremiah the prophet (Jer 1:11-13), Gad who worked for King David (2 Sam 24:11), and Elijah (1 Kgs 18:11-12).

  • "Seeing in the Spirit" - a significantly developed ability to use one's pineal gland. This gland allows a person to hear the voice of God, have visions, perceive the presence of angels, demons, ghosts, spiritual energy, and to Travel in the Spirit, etc. Though, perhaps hearing the voice of God would be called "Hearing in the Spirit". 😊 There have also been reports of people "Smelling" and "Tasting" in the Spirit.

  • "Pineal Gland" - a small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland located near the center of the brain. It helps regulate sleep, and is also known as the "third eye".

  • "Miracle" - a wondrous event that requires and manifests supernatural workings into the material realm. (Eg., resurrecting the dead, walking on water, multiplying bread, etc.).

       Enjoy! May you be blessed and feel the love of God always.
- L.F.

This webite was last updated:
Sep 04, 2021

Supernatural Healing

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