Science &
   the Supernatural

Science & Supernatural Communication

Electromagnetic Fields

Where do electromagnetic fields come from?
  • "A charged particle produces an electric field."
  • "A moving charged particle produces a magnetic field."
  • "An accelerating charged particle produces an electromagnetic (EM) wave."
(See source: The Production of EM Waves for more information.)

       Because the human body has energy in the form of accelerating charged particles, it also produces EM waves. The most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the body is the heart. The heart's electric field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than that of the brain. "... Thus, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field and is communicated throughout the body and into the external environment." More information can be found on this website: Science of the Heart

       This is why people can feel each other's emotions. In addition to EM energy, some also believe that there exists "Etheric" energy. For more information, see this website: The Principle of Spiritual Energy Generation

       However the energy is defined, humans can use this energy to communicate, and do so sometimes without knowing. Images, words, and thoughts from the brain can also be sent and received. Though, many people who were brought up with a Western mindset are very unaware of this, and their ability to perceive the supernatural becomes weak or non-existent due to the lack of exercise. Various websites offer advice on how to activate the pineal gland, but I recommend only attempting this with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some people regret activating the pineal gland before they are spiritually ready.

       When humans were first created, we could communicate with God supernaturally, hearing Him as clearly as we can hear people speaking audibly. This changed when our ancestors stepped outside of God's protection, resulting in the fall of humankind. I read the account of one man who fasted for 21 days. At the end of the 21 days, he said he could hear God as clearly as Adam and Eve could. Animals still have this ability, of course, it being their primary method of communication.

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